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Speed Reading For Information Hungry People.

By Phil de Fontenay

This IS the Information Age!

Wouldn’t you love to be able to absorb information faster and retain it?

Learning to speed read in these days isn’t just something nice to do if only I had some extra time. No, no, no. It is absolutely vital. In fact, the people who are going to get ahead in life and do well in their jobs and businesses are those that can absorb information the easiest. And of course be able to apply it.

Just being able to read faster is not the answer. Speed Reading WITH comprehension is a must.

Read and comprehend faster with these tips.

1. Don’t leave behind any words that you don’t know.

Get a good simple dictionary and look up ANY words you don’t know. This may seem to slow you down but as you understand more and more it will get faster than ever, with comprehension.

2. Relax.

If you are not relaxed then it is much more difficult to concentrate. You need to be focused or nothing will sink in. The whole idea of absorbing information is the ability to apply it, right? Yes, of course.

3. Be interested in what you are studying.

Let’s face it. How much of the stuff that you learned at school do you remember? I’ll bet it was only what you were very interested in. Get interested and it will go more smoothly.

4. Take short breaks regularly.

Don’t go on a marathon and try to finish the whole book without blinking. Take a short break every hour or so and focus on something else. Make a coffee or listen to some relaxing music. Then get back into it. You will feel refreshed and ready for another input of info.

5. Practice, practice, practice.

The mind is just like a muscle. If you don’t use it the strength will weaken. You need to build it up by practicing. Don’t strain at it too much though. You don’t want to strain a “mind muscle.”

Set a goal. Find out how fast you can read, then, create a plan to increase your ability.

If you can read 200 words per minute, set a goal to achieve 250 words a minute. After reaching this goal, go for 300 words per minute.

This takes time and practice, but the effort is all worth it.

Speed reading is fun so have fun with it.

About the author:
Phil de Fontenay has been counselling people in all aspects of life for over 15 years. He has helped many people take back control of their lives. He firmly believes that ANYONE can get better.
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